Bordi sensibili
Safety edges

General description of sensing safety edges
Pressure sensitive safety edges are devices that must be installed on machines that are potentially dangerous for humans, according to national and international safety norms. They are used mainly in the industrial and transportation fields, in order to protect personnel and equipment from being trapped or crushed by moving parts (e.g. sliding doors, movable bulkheads etc.).
Protective end caps
Each Proswitch sensing edge can be provided with end caps, on request:
⇒ Inner caps for all models.
⇒ External caps for PS-300 and PS-400 types

Sensing edge types
The range of Proswitch sensing edges consists in five different types, that differ in terms of profile, shape, dimension and material, in order to cover the vast majority of applications.
Types :

PS-100 type
PS-100 type is the narrowest section among Proswitch products. The small profile ensures the installation where space is restricted, and does not entail any change to the machine design
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PS-200 type
PS-200 type is a small sensing edge designed for limited space applications requiring a high sensitivity. Although its small dimensions, its over-travel allows compression after activation.
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PS-300 type
PS-300 type is a medium profile sensing edge that can be installed on high-speed powered doors or other fast moving equipment, in order to protect personnel from injuries.
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PS-400 type
PS-400 type is designed for safety based applications and can be installed on big/medium sized machineries. The ribbon switch is sealed inside the edge housing and the PS-400 type sensing edge can be provided with external end caps. This ensures a durability and resistance in case of extreme industrial conditions.
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PS-500 type
PS-500 type is the biggest profile among Proswitch sensing edges, and it’s used in applications which require immediate activation with considerable overtravel. Although its big dimensions, PS-500 type sensing edge have a wide sensing degree, and respond both to head and side activation.
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